Case Closed: The Phantom of Baker Street, known as Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street (名探偵コナン ベイカー街の亡霊) in Japan, is the 6th Case Closed feature film, released in Japan on April 20, 2002. Phantom of Baker Street is the first film in the series written by Hisashi Nozawa. This was the last of the Detective Conan films done in traditional animation. It was released on February 16, 2010 in the United States on DVD. This movie brought 3.4 billion yen in the box office.
English Voice Cast
- Conan Edogawa - Alison Viktorin
- Booker Kudo - John Swasey
- Rachel Moore - Colleen Clinkenbeard
- Hideki Moroboshi - Luci Christian
- Jimmy Kudo - Jerry Jewell
- Noah's Ark - Maxey Whitehead
- Dr. Hershel Agasa - Bill Flynn
- Mitch Tennyson - Cynthia Cranz
- George Kaminski - Mike McFarland
- Richard Moore - R. Bruce Elliott
- Thomas Schindler - Spencer Prokop
- Vi Graythorn - Brina Palencia
- Inspector Joseph Meguire - Mark Stoddard
- Amy Yeager - Monica Rial
- Tadaki Kashimura - Robert McCollum
- Hiroki Sawada - Maxey Whitehead
- James Moriarty - Steve Powell
- Shinya Takizawa - Anastasia Muñoz
- Jack the Ripper - Todd Haberkorn
- Sebastian Moran - Bradley Campbell
- Irene Adler - Melinda Allen
- Serena Sebastian - Laura Bailey
- Akira Emori - Chris Cason
- Inspector Nicholas Santos - Eric Vale
- Mrs. Hudson - Emily Gray
- Seichiro Kikukawa - Mary Morgan
- Detective Chiba - Chris Cason
- Vivian Kudo - Melinda Allen
Additional Voices
- Brian Mathis
- Brittney Karbowski
- Caitlin Glass
- Cherami Leigh
- Cris George
- Gregory Lush
- James Cave
- Keith Kubal
- Jessica Foster
- Leah Clark
- Shannon Atkinson
- Rex Clark
- Ben Phillips
- J. Michael Tatum - Father
- Jamie Marchi - TMS Reporter
- Jason Grundy
- Justin Cook
- Kory Charlot
- Laura Bailey - Girl Participant
- Z Charles Bolton
- Majken Bullard
- Scott Porter
- Stephanie Young - American Newscaster, Minako's Mother
- Steve Powell
- T.A. Taylor
- Tyler Walker
- Will Short