Call of the Night is a 2022 anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Kotoyama. It was produced by Liden Films and premiered in Japan on July 8, 2022. Sentai Filmworks is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on HIDIVE on September 8, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Gabriel Regojo - Kō Yamori
- Natalie Rial - Nazuna Nanakusa
Secondary Cast[]
- Annie Wild - Hatsuka Suzushiro
- Christina Kelly - Seri Kikyō
- Daman Mills - Mahiru Seki
- Emily Neves - Midori Kohakobe
- Jade Kelly - Akira Asai
- Kelly Greenshield - Kiyosumi Shirakawa
- Monica Rial - Niko Hirata
- Patricia Duran - Kabura Honda
Minor Cast[]
- Alyssa Marek - Hatsuka's Offspring (Short Hair; ep13)
- Andrew Love - Matsuda
- Blake Jackson - Matsunaga (ep6)
- Brandon Hearnsberger - Tonio
- Brian Mathis - Teacher (ep11)
- Christie Guidry - Shop Owner (ep12)
- Cody House - Kyohei (ep6)
- Daniel Regojo - Kai
- Ellen Evans - Hatsuka's Offspring (Long Hair; ep13)
- James Marler - Akihito Akiyama (ep9)
- Jeremy Gee - Bathhouse Employee (ep5)
- Jessica Calvello - Anko Uguisu (eps11-12)
- Juliet Simmons - Young Akira
- Katelyn Barr - Young Kō
- Kregg Dailey - Hatsuka's Offspring (Male; ep13)
Additional Voices[]
- Andrew Love
- Blake Jackson
- Christina Kelly
- Cody House
- David Lascoe - Police Officer B (ep13)
- Jack Whelan
- Juliet Simmons
- Katelyn Barr
- Kyle Colby Jones
- Matthew David Rudd - Police Officer A (ep13)
- Natalie Jones
- Shannon D. Reed
- Star Carter