Bye Bye, Earth is a 2024 anime based on the fantasy novel series written by Tow Ubukata and illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano. It is produced by Liden Films and premiered in Japan on July 12, 2024. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on July 26, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Megan Shipman - Belle Lablac
Secondary Cast[]
- Brent Mukai - Kitty the All
- Daniel Van Thomas - Adonis the Question
- Mike Smith - Sian Lablac
- Robin Clayton - Drambuie
- Sean Letourneau - Bennett
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Roberts - Belle's Father (ep3)
- Brent Mukai - Haggis
- David Wilson-Brown - Ja
- Eli Farmer - Minotaur (ep3)
- Jacob Eiseman - Perry
- James Marler - Bamboo
- Rudy Lopez - Cloud
- Vanessa Benoit - Tiziano
- William Ofoegbu - Gordon