Burst Angel: Infinity (爆裂天使) is an original video animation directed by Koichi Ohata, from a screenplay by Fumihiko Shimo. It was produced by the Gonzo animation studio. It was released on March 23, 2007. The music was composed by Masara Nishida.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Jamie Marchi - Meg
- Monica Rial - Jo
Secondary Cast
- Bob Carter - Sam
- Sean Hennigan - Mayor Norman
- Cherami Leigh - Shirley
- Orion Pitts - Fred Norman
Minor Cast
- Charles Baker - Old Victim, Sam the Information Clerk
- Christopher Bevins - Man with Nose Rings
- Robert Colin - Fellow Detective
- Adrian Cook - Middle Aged Victim
- Greg Dulcie - 24h Hotel Clerk
- Nathanael Harrison - Angry Cop A
- Scott Hinze - Beat Cop
- Jeff Johnson - Murder Victim
- Cherami Leigh - Scream Queen
- Jerry Russell - Ricky Glenford
- Scott Sager - Angry Cop B
- Brett Weaver - NYPD Commissioner
- Stephanie Young - Cat Owner