Berserk is a 2016 anime series based on the manga series by Kentaro Miura. It is a follow-up to Berserk. It aired in Japan from July 1, 2016 to September 16, 2016. FUNimation Entertainment streamed the series with an English dub produced by Bang Zoom! Entertainment on their website on March 20, 2017, and June 12, 2018 on FUNimation now.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kaiji Tang - Guts
Secondary Cast[]
- Erica Lindbeck - Farnese
- Erik Scott Kimerer - Isidro
- Karen Strassman - Casca
- Max Mittelman - Serpico
- Ray Chase - Mozgus
- Sarah Anne Williams - Puck
- Wendee Lee - Luca
Minor Cast[]
- Abbot Kefford - Godo
- Allegra Clark - Slan
- Brad Venable - Federico
- Brianna Knickerbocker - Erica
- Chris Hackney - Joachim
- Chris Patton - Knights
- Chris Smith - King of Midland, Man (ep4)
- D.C. Douglas - Locus, Priest
- Deborah Gatton - Pepe
- Derek Stephen Prince - Egg of the Perfect World
- Dorothy Elias-Fahn - Fouquet
- Doug Erholtz - Corkus
- Doug Stone - Adolf, Foss, Man (ep4)
- Erica Mendez - Rickert
- Frank Todaro - Bonebeard, Rakshas
- G.K. Bowes - Collette
- Grant George - Knight (ep5), The Crow
- Griffin Burns - Mule
- Imari Williams - Zodd
- Jake Eberle - Narrator, Slave Merchant
- Jalen K. Cassell - Knights
- Jane Alan - Serpico's Mother, Villagers
- Joe Hernandez - Soldier, Villagers
- John DeMita - Laban (ep3)
- Julie Ann Taylor - Hannah, Lucie, Starving Woman (ep5)
- Kellen Goff - Kushan Leader
- Kirk Thornton - Horse Demon, Man (ep4)
- Kyle Hebert - Court Physician
- Kyle McCarley - Horace, Judeau
- Laura Stahl - Young Serpico
- Lex Lang - Demon, Knight (ep5), Knight (ep6), Silat
- Mela Lee - Schierke
- Michael McConnohie - Aristocrat (ep3), Court Physician (ep5), Keeper of the Hounds, Man (ep4), Old Man (ep6), Starving Man (ep5), Tapasa (ep5)
- Paul St. Peter - Elder, Grunbeld
- Philece Sampler - Flora, Nico
- Rebecca Davis - Toma
- Richard Epcar - Azan, Cultist (ep6), Knight (ep5)
- Ryan Bartley - Nina
- Stephen Mendel - Morgan
- Skyler Davenport - Sonia
- Steve Cannon - Griffith
- Steve Kramer - Cultist (ep6), Priest, Starving Man (ep5)
- Tara Sands - Ivalera
- Taylor Henry - Knight (ep5), Man (ep7), Skull Knight, Starving Man (ep5), Tapasa
- Todd Haberkorn - Jerome
- Tony Oliver - Cultist (ep6), Knight (ep7), Starving Man (ep5), The Imp
- Wendee Lee - Housemaid (ep3)
Additional Voices[]
- Adin Rudd
- Breaugh Olson
- Brian Anderson
- Christina McBride
- D.W. McCann
- Darrel J. Delfin
- Dorah Fine
- J.D. Zelman
- Jackie Lastra
- Jade Dennis
- Kayli Mills
- Kellen Goff
- Laura Stahl
- Maureen Price
- Odell Atkinson
- Robbie Friedman
- Samantha Girod
- Wesley Marshall
- Zachary T. Rice