Battle Girls: Time Paradox is a 2011 Japanese anime television series based on the CR Sengoku Otome pachinko game series developed by Heiwa. Produced by TMS Entertainment under the direction of Hideki Okamoto, the anime series aired on TV Tokyo between April 4 and June 27, 2011.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Brittney Karbowski - Hideyoshi Toyotomi/Yoshino Hide
Secondary Cast[]
- Carli Mosier - Kenshin Uesugi
- Emily Neves - Mitsuhide Akechi
- Genevieve Simmons - Date Masamune
- Greg Ayres - Shiro
- Hilary Haag - Ieyasu Tokugawa
- Maggie Flecknoe - Yoshimoto Imagawa
- Shelley Calene-Black - Nobunaga Oda
- Tiffany Grant - Shingen Takeda
- Tiffany Terrell - Hanzo Hattori
Minor Cast[]
- Allison Sumrall - Motochika Chosokabe
- Cynthia Martinez - Sorin Otomo
- Genevieve Simmons - Date Sensei
- Hilary Haag - Tokunyan
- Kalin Coates - Baby
- Kris Carr - Motonari Mori
Additional Voices[]
- Christopher Ayres
- Elizabeth Bannor
- Elizabeth Coates
- Margaret McDonald