BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- is a 2022 original net anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Kazushi Hagiwara. It was produced by Liden Films and the first cour of the series premiered worldwide on Netflix on June 30, 2022, with its second cour scheduled to premiere on September 15. The English dub of the series was produced by Studiopolis.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Aaron LaPlante - Gara
- Erin Yvette - Tia Noto Yoko
- Wendee Lee - Arshes Nei
Secondary Cast[]
- A.J. Beckles - Jorg Fishes
- Alejandro Saab - Kall-Su
- Anairis Quiñones - Shella E. Lee
- Andrew Kishino - Schen Karr
- Anne Yatco - Lucien Renlen
- Bill Butts - Di-amon
- Carrie Keranen - Sean Ari
- Cedric Williams - Hammet
- Chris Hackney - Yngwei von Mattström, Zakk Walder
- Christopher Swindle - Zion Sol Vanderverg
- D.C. Douglas - Geo Noto Soto
- Dave B. Mitchell - Ba Thory, Ida Deesna
- Edward Bosco - Bol Gil Bol, Mohi
- Kayleigh McKee - Kai Harn
- Landon McDonald - Ran Di Rhodes Stein Neubauten, Sykes von Snowwhite
- Mick Lauer - Vlad Kills
- Mick Wingert - Bon Jovina, King of Meta-llicana, Nils John Mifune
- Misty Lee - God of Destruction Anthrasax
- Ray Chase - Abigail
- Ryan Colt Levy - Macalpine Toni Strauss
- Sean Chiplock - Vai Staebe
- Todd Haberkorn - Joshua Berahia
- Xander Mobus - Ross Zaboss Friedrich
- Zeno Robinson - Lars
Minor Cast[]
- Andrew Kishino - Gizun
- Anne Yatco - Old Lady
- Bill Butts - Ice Dragon
- Carrie Keranen - Young Kall-Su
- Cedric Williams - Crew
- Christopher Swindle - Head Minister (eps1-3), Osborn (ep1)
- Dave B. Mitchell - Grandfather, Werewolf (ep8)
- Dawn M. Bennett - Boy, Marie
- Edward Bosco - Eddie the Lich (eps17-19)
- Erin Yvette - Kall-Su's Mom
- Joe Ochman - Doshi (eps14-17)
- Mick Lauer - Angus, Piron
- Misty Lee - Baba
- Ray Chase - Deputy Prime Minister, Kevidub (ep2)
- Todd Haberkorn - Effret (eps4-5, 12), Narrator (ep1)
- Wendee Lee - Baba (eps11-13), Prophet
- Xander Mobus - Prince Mercy
- Zeno Robinson - Maron
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron LaPlante
- Alejandro Saab
- Anne Yatco
- Bill Butts
- Carrie Keranen
- Cedric Williams
- Chris Hackney
- Christopher Swindle
- D.C. Douglas
- Dave B. Mitchell
- Dawn M. Bennett
- Edward Bosco
- Jamie Simone
- Kaiji Tang
- Mick Lauer
- Mick Wingert
- Misty Lee
- Nicolas Roye
- Ray Chase
- Reba Buhr
- Ryan Colt Levy
- Tara Sands
- Todd Haberkorn
- Xander Mobus