B't X Neo is a 1997 OVA anime that aired between August 21 and November 20. The anime series strayed off from the manga series in Neo, giving its own conclusion to the show.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Eric Vale - Teppei Takamiya
- Jeremy Inman - X
Secondary Cast[]
- Clarine Harp - Max
- Daman Mills - Hokuto
- Ian Sinclair - Ron
- J. Michael Tatum - Fou
- Marcus D. Stimac - Raidoh
- Tia Ballard - J'Taime
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Roberts - Halloween
- Alison Viktorin - Misha
- Caitlin Glass - Aramis
- Chris Rager - Amigo
- Courtland Johnson - Zeta
- Cynthia Cranz - Hokuto's Mother
- David Dobrev - Narrator
- David Matranga - Quatro
- David Wald - Loresso
- Emily Fajardo - Hokuto (Young)
- Geordie Holly - Fou (Young)
- Jimmy David Taylor - Vanilla Fudge
- Joanna Beatty - Kari
- Josh Grelle - Kotaro
- Justin Briner - Marcello
- Justin Green - Beast (eps5-6)
- Kira Buckland - Dr. Lisa
- Kristen McGuire - Teppei (Young)
- Lindsay Sheppard - Shita
- Marissa Lenti - Shadow
- Megan Shipman - Lily
- Mike McFarland - Juggler
- Morgan Garrett - Karen
- Natalie Hoover - Nasha
- Stephanie Young - Rosemary
- Stephen Fu - Meimu
- Tyson Rinehart - Metal Face
- Wendy Powell - Madonna