Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters is a 2023 anime special that serves as the conclusion to the Attack on Titan series. Its first part premiered in Japan on March 4, 2023, with the second part to air in October 2023. Crunchyroll has produced an English dub of the special, which will premiere on their streaming service and Toonami on September 10, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Bryce Papenbrook - Eren Jaeger
- Jessie James Grelle - Armin Arlert
- Trina Nishimura - Mikasa Ackerman
Secondary Cast[]
- Amber Lee Connors - Pieck Finger
- Bryn Apprill - Historia Reiss
- Bryson Baugus - Falco Grice
- Clifford Chapin - Conny Springer
- Ernesto Jason Liebrecht - Zeke Jaeger
- Jessica Calvello - Zoë Hange
- Lauren Landa - Annie Leonhart
- Lindsay Seidel - Gabi Braun
- Matthew Mercer - Levi Ackerman
- Mike McFarland - Jean Kirschtein
- Robert McCollum - Reiner Braun
Minor Cast[]
- Alex Hom - Officer (ep2)
- Anairis Quiñones - Yelena (ep1)
- Anjali Kunapaneni - Ramzi (ep1)
- Bahadir Koseli - Ramzi's Grandfather (ep1)
- Ben Balmaceda - Pieck's Father
- Bill Jenkins - Mr. Leonhart
- Brianna Roberts - Gabi's Mother (ep1)
- Casey Casper - Karina Braun
- Chris Hury - Grisha Jaeger (ep2)
- Christopher Wehkamp - Gabi's Father
- Cynthia Cranz - Zeke's Grandmother (ep1)
- Ethan Gallardo - Doctor (ep2)
- Ian Mead Moore - Falco's Father (ep2)
- J. Michael Tatum - Erwin Smith (ep1)
- Maryam Baig - Halil (ep1)
- Matt Shipman - Floch Forster (ep1)
- Michelle Rojas - Kiyomi Azumabito (ep1)
- Randy Pearlman - Zeke's Grandfather (ep1)
- Sean Hennigan - Commander Müller
- Shawn Gann - Falco's Father (ep1)
- Zeno Robinson - Onyankopon
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Michael
- Adam Rowe
- Alex Mai
- Bahadir Koseli
- Ben Balmaceda
- Bradley Gareth
- Brandon Acosta
- Brandon Potter
- Brianna Roberts
- Christopher Guerrero
- Comona Lewin
- Corey Wilder
- Cory Phillips
- Cynthia Cranz
- Dalton Walker
- Dee Meo
- Erica Muse
- Erin Kelly Noble
- Ethan Gallardo
- Greg Silva
- Gregory Lush
- Ian Mead Moore
- Jason Lord
- Jessica Sluys
- Jim Foronda
- Kelsey Maher
- Madeleine Broseh
- Matt Corcoran
- Matthew David Rudd
- Michael Stimac
- Monica Rial
- Nazeeh Tarsha
- Oscar Seung
- Patrick McAlister
- Phil Parsons
- Preston Isham
- Randy Pearlman
- Samuel Largent
- Shawn Gann
- Spencer Liles
- Taylor Harris
- William Ofoegbu
- Yussef Benelbar