Attack on Titan: No Regrets is a 2014 OVA series based on the a spin-off manga series written by Gun Snark and illustrated by Hikaru Suruga, which was also based on the "A Choice with No Regrets" visual novel. It premiered from December 9, 2014 to April 9, 2015, consisting of two episodes. Crunchyroll has produced an English dub of the OVA, which premiered on May 29, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kristen McGuire - Isabel Magnolia
- Matthew Mercer - Levi Ackerman
- Ryan Colt Levy - Furlan Church
Secondary Cast[]
- David Sobolov - Nicholas Rovof
- J. Michael Tatum - Erwin Smith
- Jason Douglas - Miche Zacharius
Minor Cast[]
- Brendan Blaber - Flagon
- Jerry Jewell - Moblit Berner (ep2)
- Jessica Calvello - Zoë Hange (ep2)
- Josh Grelle - Narrator
- Patrick Seitz - Keith Shadis (ep2)
- Rissa Mazzuca - Female Scout (ep2)