Armitage III is an original video animation series produced by AIC and Pioneer LDC. It was released in Japan between February 25, 1995 and November 25, 1995, consisting of 4 episodes. The series was released in North America by Pioneer USA on VHS between March 29, 1995 and December 5, 1995.
English Voice Talent[]
- A.C. Doyle
- Alfred Thor
- Anne Sherman
- B.G. Mills
- Bambi Darro
- David Lucas
- Debbie DeRosa
- Dorothy Melendrez
- Doug Stone
- Dougary Grant
- Ed Mannix
- Gil Starberry
- Gloria Gines
- Hank Wilspank
- Helen Storm
- Jackson Daniels
- Jenny Haniver
- Jetta E. Bumpy
- Joe Romersa
- Lee Stone
- Lia Sargent
- Marlon Mann
- Michael Sorich
- Ray Michaels
- Richard Hayworth
- Rudy Luzion
- Sam Strong
- Stevie Beeline
- Tom Charles
- Wendee Day
- Episode 4 was dedicated to the memory of Ed Mannix.