Anime Ganbare Goemon is an anime television series, based on Konami's best-selling video game franchise Goemon. The television series was produced by Trans Arts, aired from 1997 to 1998, ran for 23 episodes, and 5 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD. It was eventually picked up in North America for an English dub done by ADV Films under the name Legend of the Mystical Ninja.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Tiffany Grant - Tsukasa
- Vic Mignogna - Goemon
Secondary Cast[]
- Chris Patton - Ebisumaru
- David Born - Dr. Mudanashi, Seppukumaru
- George Manley - Impact
- Greg Ayres - Sasuke
- Hilary Haag - Asuka
- Jessica Boone - Yae
- Jim McClellan - Monoshiri
- John Swasey - Protein
- Kira Vincent-Davis - Omitsu
Minor Cast[]
- Andrew Klimko - Chief Inspector, Jojima, Zan Pan
- Andy McAvin - Tsukasa's Dad
- Chris Patton - Itakaro
- Ed Paez - Director
- Greg Ayres - Hatarino
- Kevin Corn - Noboru
- Lorinda Boyd - Tsukasa's Mom
- Monica Rial - Nyanko, TV Reporter
- Patricia Duran - Rokudenashi, Tomoe
- Randy Sparks - Principal
- Rick Piersall - Makuamuuge
- Shelley Calene-Black - Noboru's Mom
- Tony Oller - Mini
Additional Voices[]
- Andrew Menzell
- Christopher Riley
- Clint Bickham
- Matt Crawford
- Melissa Cybele
- Scott McClennen
- Serena Varghese
- Shondra Marie
- Taylor Gragard