Angels of Death is a 2018 anime series based on the horror adventure game by Hoshikuzu KRNKRN. It premiered in Japan on July 6, 2018. FUNimation Entertainment is producing a SimulDub of the series, which premiered on the FunimationNow streaming service on July 24, 2018.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Dallas Reid - Isaac "Zack" Foster
- Meg McClain - Rachel "Ray" Gardner
Secondary Cast[]
- Brittney Karbowski - Edward "Eddie" Mason
- Derick Snow - Daniel "Danny" Dickens
- Jamie Marchi - Catherine "Cathy" Ward
- R. Bruce Elliott - Abraham Gray
Minor Cast[]
- Bruce DuBose - Facility Man (ep5)
- Chuck Huber - Newscaster (eps12-13)
- Ian Sinclair - Rachel's Father
- Kate Bristol - Rachel's Doctor (ep16)
- Linda Leonard - Facility Woman (ep5)
- Mallorie Rodak - Female Announcer
- Mikaela Krantz - Zack (Young)
- Monica Rial - Rachel's Mother
- Tyler Walker - Man (eps11, 15)
Additional Voices[]
- Alejandro Saab
- Alex Moore - Lady 08A (ep8)
- Austin Tindle - Guy 08A (ep8)
- Ben Balmaceda - Police Officer (ep16)
- Bryn Apprill - Girl 08A (ep8)
- Cassie Ewulu - Second Reporter (ep16)
- David Wald
- Drew Breedlove - Male Ghost 08C (ep8), Male Ghost 08G (ep8), Walla Dead Prisoners (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Emi Lo
- Greg Dulcie - Male Ghost 08D (ep8), Male Ghost 08H (ep8), Walla Dead Prisoners (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Heather Walker - Blond Reporter (ep16), Female Movie Character 05A (ep5), Additional Voices
- Jeannie Tirado - Woman (ep2)
- Jordan Dash Cruz
- Jordan Jones - Dead Prisoners 08A (ep8), Male Ghost 08A (ep8), Male Ghost 08E (ep8), Walla Dead Prisoners (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Josh Bangle - Male Ghost 08B (ep8), Male Ghost 08F (ep8), Walla Dead Prisoners (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Julie Shields
- Katelyn Barr
- Kenny Green - Old Man 08A (ep8)
- Kristi Rothrock - Female Ghost 08D (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Kyle Igneczi
- Kyle Phillips - Drunk Guy 08A (ep8)
- Mark Stoddard - Investigator (ep16)
- Matt Shipman
- Meli Grant
- Ricco Fajardo
- Ryan Reynolds - Female Ghost 08C (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Ryan Urbanovsky - Male Prisoner 05A (ep5)
- Sara Ragsdale - Female Ghost 08B (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Skyler McIntosh - Female Ghost 08A (ep8), Female Ghost 08E (ep8), Walla Ghosts (ep8), Walla Local Crowd (ep8)
- Tyler Carson
- Tyler Walker - Male Ghost 08I (ep8)