Ah! My Goddess is an anime television series based on the light novel series by Kōsuke Fujishima. It aired in Japan between January 6, 2005 and July 7, 2005, consisting of 26 episodes. The series was released in North America by Media Blasters between September 27, 2005 and July 11, 2006.
Main Cast[]
- Drew Aaron - Keiichi Morisato
- Eileen Stevens - Belldandy (eps1-15, 18-26)
- Zoe Martin - Belldandy (eps16-17)
Secondary Cast[]
- Alissa Brodsky - Marller
- Annice Moriarty - Skuld
- Emily Blau - Megumi Morisato
- Karen Neill - Sayoko Mishima
- Marc Diraison - Toshiyuki Aoshima
- Marc Thompson - Tamiya
- Scottie Ray - Ohtaki
- Vibe Jones - Urd
Minor Cast[]
- Alissa Brodsky - Chrono (ep23), Ere (ep8), Junpei (ep11), Reporter (ep24)
- Dan Green - Professor Kakuta
- Eileen Stevens - Hijiri
- Elizabeth Cartier - Ere (ep23)
- Emily Blau - Ex (ep8), Hijiri’s Mother (ep3)
- Evelyn Lanto - Lind
- Karen Neill - Ex (ep23)
- Kevin T. Collins - Auto Club Member (ep1), Senbei (ep16)
- Marc Thompson - Almighty One (ep23), Professor Osawa (ep4)
- Michele Omedlin - Hijiri (eps1, 3)
- Mike Pollack - Urn of Hakushon the Demon King
- Sean Schemmel - The 3rd Class Earth-Spirit (ep6)
- Zoe Martin - Sora Hasegawa