Adachi and Shimamura is an anime based on the light novel series by Hitoma Iruma. It ran in Japan from October 9 to December 25, 2020. FUNimation Entertainment is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on the FUnimationNow streaming service on February 18, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- AmaLee - Hougetsu Shimamura
- Megan Shipman - Sakura Adachi
Secondary Cast[]
- Monica Rial - Taeko Nagafuji
- Sandra Espinoza - Shaman Taoka
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Yashiro Chikama
- Sarah Williams - Hino Akira
- Wendee Lee - Adachi's Mom
Minor Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Tarumi
- Dianne Weller - Hino's Mom
- Larissa Gallagher - Shimamura's Mom
- Lindsay Sheppard - Sancho
- Linsay Rousseau - Nagafuji's Mom
- Lizzie Freeman - Pancho
- Matt Corcoran - Hanasaki (ep4)
- Michelle Marie - Shimamura's Sister
- Molly Zhang - Adachi's Manager
- Rachelle Heger - Delos
- Rebeka Thomas - Shimada (ep4)