A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring is a 2024 anime based on the light novel series written by Shizuru Minazuki and illustrated by Yamakawa. It is produced by EMT Squared and will premiere its first two episodes in Japan on July 7, 2024, with an English dub premiering on Crunchyroll on the same day.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kiane Chula King - Elena
- Lara Woodhull - Allen
- Matt Shipman - Takumi Kayano
Secondary Cast[]
- Kevin D. Thelwell - Isaac Risner
- Nia Celeste - Sylphyleel
- Phebe Fabacher - Iris
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Michael - Cedric's Butler (ep10)
- Aiden Call - Vint
- David Wald - Guildmaster
- Davon Oliver - Joule, Rudy
- Emi Lo - Theodore
- Ezra Vervin - Millenna
- Jacob Eiseman - Sagesse
- Jesse Pinnick - Zach
- John Archer II - Bolt (ep5+), Feat (eps2-4)
- Kelly Greenshield - Luna
- Kieran Flitton - Cedric Risner
- Mark Stoddard - Dominic
- Meg McClain - High Priestess
- Monty Thompson - Vault
- Reshel Mae - Michelle
- Sara Ragsdale - Olivie Risner