A Galaxy Next Door is a 2023 anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Gido Amagakure. It is produced by Asahi Production and premiered in Japan on April 8, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on April 22, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Katelyn Barr - Shiori Goshiki
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Ichirō Kuga
Secondary Cast[]
- Emily Fajardo - Fumio Kuga
- Jack Reeder - Masahiro Morikuni
- Kelsey Maher - Machi Kuga
- Kristen McGuire - Momoka Morikuni
- Meg McClain - Chihiro Ibusuki
- Natalie Van Sistine - Miyako Goshiki
Minor Cast[]
- Bruce DuBose - Takeru
- Colleen Clinkenbeard - "Master of the Lion's Fist" Protagonist
- Laurie Steele - Aya
- Nicholas Markgraf - Hayato Sano
- SuzAnne DeCarma - Honomi