A Certain Scientific Railgun T is a 2020 anime that serves as a sequel to A Certain Scientific Railgun S. It aired in Japan between January 10, 2020 and September 25, 2020, consisting of 25 episodes. Funimation Entertainment is producing a SimulDub of the series, which premeired on the FunimationNow streaming service on January 24, 2020.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alison Viktorin - Kuroko Shirai
- Brina Palencia - Ruiko Saten
- Brittney Karbowski - Mikoto Misaka
- Cherami Leigh - Kazari Uiharu
Secondary Cast[]
- Amanda Gish - Kinuho Wannai
- Brittney Karbowski - Misaka Sisters
- Charlie Campbell - Gensei Kihara
- Felecia Angelle - Leader/Iizumi Rita
- Jamie Marchi - Mitsuki Kongo
- Julie Shields - Itsuki Yakumaru
- Leah Clark - Frenda Seivelun
- Mark Stoddard - Keitz Nokelben
- Matt Shipman - Gunha Sogiita
- Micah Solusod - Touma Kamijo
- Mikaela Krantz - Shokuho Misaki
- Rachel Glass - Seike Tarumaru
- Rachel Thompson - Mitori Kozaku
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Naruha "Naru" Sakuragi
- Suzie Yeung - Doppelganger, Ryoko Kuriba
- Tia Ballard - Maaya Awatsuki
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Dismuke - Amime (ep2)
- Aaron Michael - Omoshi (ep3)
- Adam Rowe - Manager (ep21)
- Alejandro Saab - Saraku (ep16)
- Alex Mai - Driver (ep10)
- Alle Mims - Short-Haired Woman in Suit (eps21-22)
- Amanda Gish - Agent A (eps21, 25)
- Anthony Bowling - Dude A (ep16), Makuwa (ep10)
- Apphia Yu - Saisi Kinuhata
- Austin Tindle - Accelerator
- Barrett Nash - Misuzu Misaka (ep2)
- Ben Bryant - Professor
- Bill Brooks - Frog-Faced Doctor
- Blake McNamara - Banka Yobou
- Brian Mathis - Security Guards (ep9)
- Brianna Roberts - Watanabe
- Brittany Lauda - Shaei Miyama
- Brittney Karbowski - Dolly, Last Order
- Caleb Yen - Driver (ep19)
- Chris Rager - Security Guards (ep9)
- Christopher R. Sabat - Chief Researcher (ep10)
- Clarine Harpe - ITEM Lasion (ep1)
- Clifford Chapin - Shiage Hamazura
- Cynthia Cranz - Head Resident
- Dallas Reid - Yoshio Baba
- Daman Mills - Teitoku Kakine
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Clerk (ep9)
- Emi Lo - Rakko Yumiya
- Emily Fajardo - Shidarezakura Students (eps19-20)
- Eric Rolon - Men (ep19)
- Gabe Kunda - Men (ep23)
- Hayden Daviau - Shidarezakura Students (eps19-20)
- Howard Wang - Takkun (ep17)
- Ian Mead Moore - Cheer Captain B (ep1)
- J. Michael Tatum - Anti-Skill (ep11)
- Jād Saxton - Komoe Tsukyomi
- Jarrod Greene - Security Guards (ep9)
- Jeff Johnson - Men (ep23)
- Jeff Plunk - Indian Poker Trader (eps18-19)
- Jessica Peterson - Ninoude Girl A (ep2)
- Jill Harris - Xochitl
- Joe Cucinotti - Security Guards (ep9)
- John Burgmeier - Steering Committee Chairman
- John Gremillion - Narration (ep18)
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Security Guards (ep9)
- Kasi Hollowell - Ninoude Girl B (ep2)
- Kate Bristol - Young Girls (ep23)
- Katelyn Barr - Kuro-Gyaru (ep17)
- Kenny James - Chief
- Kris Bryan - Newscaster (ep17)
- Kristen McGuire - Young Girls (ep23)
- Kristi Rothrock - Seria Komokawa (ep2)
- Kristin Sutton - Scout (ep18)
- Kyle Igneczi - Punk (ep17), Todoroki (ep2)
- Kyle Phillips - Security Guards (ep9)
- Larry Brantley - Anti-Skill Chief (ep11)
- Lee George - Men (ep19)
- Lindsay Seidel - Aisa Himegami (ep20), Aomi Yanagisako (ep17), Kana Hazamaya (ep21), Swim Team Member (eps5, 7)
- Lydia Mackay - Shizuri Mugino
- Martha Harms - Aiho Yomikawa (ep18)
- Marti Etheridge - Heart Measure
- Meg McClain - Kirifu Megumi
- Megan Shipman - Rikou Takitsubo
- Meli Grant - Girls' Gym Teacher (ep16)
- Michael Stimac - Men (ep23)
- Michelle Lee - Junko Hokaze
- Molly Searcy - Female Researcher (eps21, 23)
- Morgan Berry - Misuzu Misaka
- Natalie Rose - Megumi Okawachi (ep17)
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Men (ep23)
- Patric Carroll - Security Guards (ep9), Takoyaki Vendor (ep9)
- Patrick McAlister - Pierce Aogami (ep16)
- Quinn Angell - Boy (ep21)
- Rachael Messer - Maki (ep17)
- Sara Ragsdale - Airin Girl A (ep2), Black-Haired Girl in Sailor Uniform (ep21)
- Sarah Roach - Airin Girl B (ep2), Satoru Kobayashi
- Sonny Strait - Pirate Radio DJ
- Suzie Yeung - Mysterious Girl (ep18)
- Trina Nishimura - Mii Konori
- Tyler Walker - Dude B (ep16)
- Tyson Rinehart - Cheer Captain A (ep1)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Roberts - Male Student 03E (ep3), Additional Voices
- Adam Rowe
- Alejandro Saab
- Alex Mai
- Alex Moore
- Alison Viktorin
- Alle Mims
- Amanda Gish
- Amber Lee Connors
- Apphia Yu
- Ariel Graham
- Barry Yandell
- Ben Balmaceda
- Ben Phillips
- Beth Gilvie - Female Student 03D (ep3), Female Tokiwadai 03A (ep3), Additional Voices
- Blake Shepard
- Brandon McInnis
- Brendan Blaber
- Brina Palencia
- Brittany Lauda
- Brittney Karbowski
- Bryan Massey
- Bryn Apprill
- Caleb Yen
- Chris Burnett
- Chris Guerrero
- Chris Ramirez
- Chris Thurman - Male Snatcher 03A (ep3), Male Student 03J (ep3), Additional Voices
- Christopher R. Sabat
- Clarine Harp
- Cody Savoie - Male Student 03A (ep3), Male Student 03L (ep3), Additional Voices
- Colton Winburn - Male Student 03B (ep3), Male Student 03K (ep3)
- Comona Lewin - Male Student 03C (ep3), Additional Voices
- Corinne Sudberg - Female Tokiwadai 02A (eps2-3)
- Cris George
- Dani Chambers - Female Tokiwadai 02B (eps2-3), Additional Voices
- Dave Trosko - Male Student 03F (ep3), Additional Voices
- David Wald
- Dusty Feeney
- Edna Gill - Female Student 03C (ep3), Female Student 03F (ep3)
- Emi Lo
- Emily Neves
- Eric Rolon
- Gabe Kunda
- Garret Storms
- Greg Dulcie
- Heather Walker
- Howard Wang
- Ian Mead Moore - Male Crowd 03 (ep3), Male Student 03G (ep3), Additional Voices
- Jason Douglas
- Jennifer Alyx - Female Student 03B (ep3), Additional Voices
- Jessica Cavanagh
- Jessica Peterson
- Jim Foronda
- Joanna Beatty
- John Burgmeier - Male Student 03H (ep3), Additional Voices
- Jordan Dash Cruz
- Josh Martin
- Justin Duncan
- Kara Edwards
- Kasi Hollowell
- Kate Bristol
- Katelyn Barr
- Katlin Moon-Jones
- Katy McGregor
- Kevin Thelwell
- Kimberly Grace
- Krystal LaPorte
- Kyle Igneczi
- Kyle Phillips
- Kylie Stewart
- Lindsay Seidel
- Luci Christian
- Lynsey Hale - Female Student 03A (ep3), Female Student 03E (ep3)
- Macy Anne Johnson
- Madeleine Morris
- Madeleine Scott Broseh
- Marissa Lenti
- Mark Oristano
- Megan Shipman
- Michelle Rojas
- Mikaela Krantz
- Mike McFarland
- Oscar Seung
- Philip Weber
- Quinn Angell
- R. Bruce Elliott
- Ricco Fajardo - Male Student 03D (ep3)
- Ry McKeand
- Ryan Reynolds
- Sara Ragsdale
- Sarah Roach
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Shawn Gann - Male Student 03I (ep3), Additional Voices
- Skyler McIntosh
- Stephanie Young
- Suzie Yeung
- Tabitha Ray
- Taylor Harris
- Terri Doty
- Travis Mullenix
- Tyler Walker
- Whitney Holotik
- Z. Charles Bolton